#Healthin2Point00, Episode 234 | An M&A and shedloads more money! – The Health Care Blog


Health in 2 Point 00

Today on Health in 2 Point 00, the word is SHEDLOAD. On Episode 235, Jess and I talk about the scoop on an M&A and shedloads more money in today’s health tech funding climate. First up, Lark gets $100 million, bringing its total to $185 million. How much more money can we throw at a chronic condition management platform? Next, Scottish remote patient monitoring company Current Health gets acquired by Best Buy. TrialSpark raises $156 million, working on developing drugs via their clinical trials software, Twin Health raises $140 million to run clinical trials in silico in “digital twins,” and virtual care GI company Oshi Health gets $23 million. —Matthew Holt


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