Elia Stupka, Angelini Ventures – The Health Care Blog


The Business of Health Care

I’ve been friends with Roberto Ascione for many years. Roberto is a keen Napoli fan who on the side runs the Healthware Group and also the Frontiers Health Conference that I’ve been going to for many years (and where Jess DaMassa is co-MC). Recently Healthware acquired the media company pharmaphorum and hired star reporter (and another friend) Jonah Comstock, ex MobiHealthNews and HIMSS Media. This is THCB’s second cross-posting with pharmaphorum.Matthew Holt

Nils Bottler, who recently joined Angelini Ventures as Principal, is an avid skier, surfer, and digital health investor based in Berlin. In a new podcast, he spoke with Paul Tunnah, pharmaphorum founder, about his career, the German start-up landscape, and where Angelini Ventures aims to have an impact.


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